Pandas example
Pandas example
Zeppelin setting
Zeppelin installation and setting manual
Docker tip
Docker image build/usage tips
Airflow setup with mysql walkthrough
Conda install and create python 3 and 2 environment
Conda install and setup python 3.7 environment
Scatter Plot with Marginal Histograms
ROC AUC illustrated
Kubernetes commands from interactive tutorial
Kubernetes commands from tutorial
Git command cheetsheet
Git command cheetsheet
MySQL setting tip
HBase setting cheetsheet
HBase configuration manual
Shell access to remote HBase workthrough
Scala - Lazy Evaluation
Here are some more examples that will help understanding the Chapter 5 of the Book, Functional Programming in Scala.
Manually delete kafka topic workthrough
Read List for Studying Data Science
Blog posts, course materials, forums, books etc. for studying maching learning and statistics.
Read List for Studying Data Engineering
Blog posts, course materials, forums, books etc. for studying data engineeing technologies.
R and Python Grammar
Here, R and Python code for the same purpose are paired for your consideration. They are strikingly similar.